Programming Language
TSC Compiler

The tsc Compiler

The tsc (TypeScript Compiler) is the official tool provided by TypeScript to compile .ts files into .js. Let’s go through the process of bootstrapping a simple TypeScript Node.js application and explore the features of the tsc compiler.

Step 1 - Install tsc/TypeScript Globally

To install the TypeScript compiler globally on your system, run the following command:

npm install -g typescript

Step 2 - Initialize an Empty Node.js Project with TypeScript

Set up a new Node.js project and initialize TypeScript:

mkdir node-app
cd node-app
npm init -y
npx tsc --init

These commands will:

  • Create a new directory node-app
  • Initialize a package.json file for your Node.js project
  • Generate a tsconfig.json file, which contains the TypeScript configuration options

Step 3 - Create a a.ts File

Add a simple TypeScript file to your project:

const x: number = 1;

Save this as a.ts.

Step 4 - Compile the .ts File to a .js File

Use the tsc command to compile your TypeScript code:

tsc -b

This will generate a corresponding JavaScript file a.js.

Step 5 - Explore the Generated JavaScript File

Open the newly created a.js file to observe the output. You’ll notice that:

  • The TypeScript code is compiled into plain JavaScript.
  • There are no TypeScript-specific constructs in the .js file.

Step 6 - Modify the Code to Introduce a Type Error

Update your a.ts file:

let x: number = 1;
x = "harkirat"; // Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'

Here, the const is changed to let, and x is assigned a string value.

Step 7 - Compile the Code Again

Run the TypeScript compiler:

tsc -b

Observe the errors in the console. Since TypeScript enforces type safety, the compilation will fail, and no updated a.js file will be generated.

Key Benefits of Using tsc

  • Type Safety: Catch type errors during compile time.
  • Code Integrity: Ensures a robust codebase by preventing invalid type assignments.
  • Efficient Development: Reduces runtime errors by detecting issues early in the development process.

This demonstrates how the tsc compiler is a powerful tool for maintaining type safety and enhancing code reliability in TypeScript projects.