Distributed Systems

Understanding Distributed Systems: A Simple Guide

Why Do We Need Distributed Systems?

In today's world, data is everywhere and growing at an exponential rate. Businesses are making data-driven decisions that require fast access to vast amounts of information. However, handling such large datasets introduces new challenges in terms of both storage and computation.

  1. Data Explosion
    Data is being created at a rapid pace due to the rise of digital services, IoT devices, social media, and more.

  2. Data-Driven Decision Making
    Modern businesses rely on data to make informed decisions, from customer preferences to operational efficiency.

  3. Big Data Challenges
    As data grows larger, storing and processing it on a single machine becomes inefficient or even impossible. This is where distributed systems come in to solve storage and computation problems across multiple machines.

What is a Distributed System?

A distributed system is a collection of independent machines (computers) that work together to appear as a single entity to the end user. It helps solve the problem of storing and processing massive amounts of data by distributing the tasks across multiple machines. This architecture improves scalability, fault tolerance, and processing speed.

Key Features of Distributed Systems:

  1. Storage Across Multiple Machines
    Data is stored across more than one machine to distribute the load.

  2. Machines Connected Over a Network
    These machines are connected via a network (such as the internet or a local network) and work together to process data.

  3. Appears as a Single Machine to Users
    Even though many machines are involved, the system is designed so the user interacts with it as if it's a single machine, creating a seamless experience.

What Led to the Discovery of Distributed Systems?

  1. Monopoly of Legacy Database Systems
    In the past, large firms such as Oracle dominated the database market with costly enterprise-level systems. These systems were powerful but expensive, locking many businesses into high fees.

  2. Heavy Licensing Costs
    The prohibitive licensing fees of traditional systems led to a search for alternatives that could be more affordable and scalable. Distributed systems emerged as a cost-effective and scalable solution to the growing need for large-scale data storage and computation.

Why Did Distributed Systems Fail Initially?

In the early phases, distributed systems faced several challenges that led to failures, including:

  1. Low-Cost Commodity Hardware
    The initial systems used inexpensive hardware, which made them prone to failures. Commodity hardware is more likely to break down compared to expensive, enterprise-grade servers.

  2. Network Failures
    Since distributed systems rely on a network to connect machines, network failures were common. Even a small network failure could disrupt the entire system, leading to inconsistencies and downtime.

What Was the Fix for Early Failures?

To address the problems of hardware and network failure, distributed systems adopted several strategies, one of the most important being data replication.

  1. Data Replication
    Data is replicated across multiple machines so that if one machine fails, the data can still be accessed from another. This increases the system's fault tolerance and ensures smooth operation even when individual components fail.

Problems with Replication of Data

While data replication solved many issues, it introduced a new set of problems, particularly around consistency.

  1. Consistency Issues
    When data is replicated, it may take some time for changes made on one machine to propagate to all other machines in the system. During this time (known as the Δt delay), users might see stale data—older versions of the data that haven’t yet been updated. This results in a temporary inconsistency across the system.

  2. Eventual Consistency
    Most distributed systems embrace the concept of eventual consistency, where the system will eventually reach a consistent state once all updates have propagated. While this approach sacrifices immediate consistency, it ensures scalability and fault tolerance in large distributed environments.

Benefits of Distributed Systems

  1. Scalability
    Distributed systems can scale horizontally by adding more machines, making it easier to handle increasing data and processing needs.

  2. Fault Tolerance
    With replication and redundancy, distributed systems are more resilient to hardware failures or network issues.

  3. Cost Efficiency
    By using commodity hardware and avoiding expensive licensing fees, distributed systems offer a more affordable solution for large-scale data management.


Distributed systems have become essential for managing the growing volume of data and computational demands of modern applications. Despite initial challenges, the adoption of data replication, fault tolerance, and horizontal scalability have made distributed systems a robust solution for big data problems. While consistency issues remain a challenge, the trade-offs for scalability and performance make distributed systems the backbone of many large-scale applications today, from cloud services to social media platforms.

Key Takeaways

  • Distributed systems solve the problem of storing and processing large datasets by distributing tasks across multiple machines.
  • Replication of data across machines enhances fault tolerance but can introduce consistency issues.
  • Most distributed systems are designed to be eventually consistent, prioritizing scalability and fault tolerance over immediate consistency.