$sort (aggregation)

$sort (Aggregation) in MongoDB


The $sort stage in MongoDB's Aggregation Pipeline is used to reorder the documents in the pipeline based on specified fields. Sorting is crucial for presenting data in a meaningful order, optimizing performance for subsequent stages, or preparing results for final output.

Key Features

  • Sorting Order: You can sort documents in ascending (1) or descending (-1) order based on one or multiple fields.
  • Multi-field Sorting: $sort allows sorting by multiple fields, specifying the priority of sorting, e.g., first by date and then by name.
  • Efficient Index Usage: Sorting operations can utilize indexes to improve performance, especially when combined with other stages like $match.

Common Use Cases

  1. Ordered Output: Sort query results, such as listing products by price, employees by hire date, or students by score.

  2. Pagination: Use sorting in combination with $limit and $skip to implement pagination in your application, e.g., displaying sorted results page by page.

  3. Data Analysis: Sort grouped or aggregated data, such as sorting sales totals by highest revenue or sorting posts by popularity metrics.

  4. Performance Optimization: Sorting early in the pipeline can optimize performance, especially if subsequent stages rely on ordered data.

How It Works

  • Sorting Fields: The $sort stage specifies the sorting criteria using a document where the field names are the keys and the sort order (1 for ascending, -1 for descending) are the values.
  • Combining with Other Stages: $sort is often used in combination with other stages like $match for filtering data before sorting or $group to sort aggregated results.
  • Index Optimization: Sorting large datasets without indexes can be slow. MongoDB can utilize indexes to accelerate the sorting process, especially when combined with $match filters that limit the number of documents.

Important Considerations

  • Performance Impact: Sorting without indexes on large collections can significantly impact performance. Using indexes effectively can mitigate this.
  • Memory Usage: MongoDB has a memory limit for the in-memory sort operation. If sorting large datasets, use the allowDiskUse option to permit the use of disk space for sorting.
  • Stable Sorting: If multiple documents have the same sort key value, the order of these documents is undefined unless further sorting criteria are specified.


The $sort stage is a versatile and essential tool in MongoDB’s Aggregation Pipeline, allowing you to order documents in a sequence that best suits your application's needs. By effectively utilizing $sort, you can enhance the presentation of data, improve query performance, and prepare results for further processing. Whether sorting for reporting, analysis, or user display, $sort plays a critical role in organizing data within MongoDB.