
Backend Developer Roadmap

1. API Design

  • GraphQL
  • gRPC
  • WebSocket
  • Message Broker (Communication between APIs)

2. API Security

  • JWT Token
  • Refresh Token (Common in large applications)
  • OAuth2 (Social login: Google, Facebook, etc.)
  • SAML (Single Sign-On)
  • Identity Providers (Cognito, Auth0, etc.)
  • Role-Based Authorization

3. API Testing

  • Unit Testing
  • Acceptance Testing
  • Load Testing

4. Documentation

  • Swagger
  • Postman

5. Database (ORM)

  • NoSQL
    • MongoDB
    • AWS DynamoDB
  • SQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • MySQL
  • In-Memory
    • Redis
    • Memcached
  • Graph Database
    • Neo4j

6. Linux Server

7. Cloud Computing

8. DevOps

Server Application Responsibilities

  • Listen Request
  • Process
    • Algorithm
    • Data Structure
    • Database
    • Problem Solving
  • Response

HTTP (Stateless Communication)

  • Methods
    • GET
    • POST
    • DELETE
  • Headers

Routing Patterns

  • GET
    • Get all (/)
    • Get with filter (/:id)
  • POST
    • Create
    • Update with ID (/:id)
    • Delete by ID (/:id)

Request Flow

Request => Middleware [Logger, Body Parser, User IP, Block IP, Authentication, Authorization, Validation] => Controller => Middleware [Error Handler] => Response

Server Application Development

  • Express
  • Node.js Loggers
  • Node.js File Uploads
  • Node.js Emails
  • Node.js Clean Architecture
  • Node.js Caching Techniques
  • Node.js Job Scheduler
  • Node.js Message Queues
  • Node.js Realtime Application
  • Node.js Testing
  • Node.js Design
  • Node.js CI/CD Pipeline

Multi-Page Application

  • Node.js Template Engine
  • Session-Based Authentication


  • API Validation
  • API Security - Bearer Token
  • API Security - Refresh Token
  • REST API Design & Management
  • Acceptance Testing
  • Postman
  • API Security - OAuth2
  • API Security - MFA & SSO
  • API Security - Auth0
  • Role-Based Access Control


  • Strapi CMS
  • Strapi CMS Development


  • SQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • Sequelize
    • TypeORM
    • Prisma 2
    • Redis
    • SQL Database Design
    • SQL Joins
    • SQL Transactions
  • NoSQL
    • MongoDB
    • Mongoose
    • MongoDB Data Modeling
    • MongoDB Aggregation
    • MongoDB Transactions
    • MongoDB Performance Optimization
    • MongoDB Security
    • MongoDB Administration
    • MongoDB Atlas
    • MongoDB Realm

Inside the Backend Development

What is Backend?

Backend involves server-side development focusing on databases, server logic, and APIs.

Challenges with File Systems

  • Slow access
  • Difficult to manage
  • Limited structure
  • Not scalable for large data volumes
  • Lack of search functionality


Databases address these issues, providing efficient data storage and retrieval.

Business Logic

  • Application layer controls user access and validates data.

User Interface Layer

  • Provides a visual layer for user interaction and dynamic content.

Packaging & Distribution

  • Shift from traditional software distribution (CDs, Flash Drives) to centralized solutions via the internet.

Networking Concepts

  • IP Address
  • DNS (Domain Name System)
  • Protocol
  • Packet
  • Buffer

Server Application Responsibilities

  • Handling HTTP requests
  • Serving static files
  • Processing dynamic content
  • Load balancing and reverse proxy
  • Logging & monitoring

Backend Application

  • Request Handling
    • Validate/security check
    • Business logic/database access
    • Process and respond

Main Responsibilities

  • Authentication/Authorization
  • Validation
  • Database operations (CRUD)
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous communication
  • Generate final response

Database Types

  • SQL: Structured schema, vertically scalable.
  • NoSQL: No fixed schema, horizontally scalable.


  • Server administration
  • Linux commands
  • DNS configurations

Backend Developer Objectives

  • Respond to requests
  • Process and handle responses efficiently

Application Architecture

  • Monolithic
  • N-tier
  • Modular Monolith
  • Microservices
  • Event-Driven
  • Cloud Native
  • Serverless

High-Performance Code

  • Problem Solving
    • Data structures
    • Algorithms
  • Engineering
    • Design patterns
    • Design principles
    • Schema optimization
    • Query optimization
    • Scalable code
  • Testing
    • Various testing methodologies

State Management

  • Stateless: No session storage.
  • Stateful: Session storage.

Cloud Computing

  • Linux, SSH, Compute/VM, Storage, Database, Networking, VPC

DevOps Process

  • Development -> DevOps -> Deployment
  • Automated testing, building, monitoring

Non-Functional Requirements

  • Performance, Scalability, Reliability, Security

System Design Concepts

  • Application architecture
  • OSI model
  • Communication (Sync/Async)
  • Caching and CDN
  • Scaling databases
  • Fault tolerance and disaster recovery

Backend Development Roles

Core Development Roles

  • Junior Backend Developer
  • Backend Developer
  • Fullstack Developer
  • APIs Developer
  • Microservices Developer
  • Security Engineer

Data Management Roles

  • Database Administrator
  • Database Engineer
  • Data Architect

Integration Roles

  • Software Architect
  • System Designer
  • Integration Specialist
  • Backend Performance Engineer

DevOps & Cloud Roles

  • DevOps Engineer
  • Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
  • Cloud Architect
  • Cloud Engineer

Specialized Roles

  • Backend Security Analyst
  • Blockchain Developer
  • IoT Developer
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Backend Automation Engineer
  • Embedded System Developer
  • Security Operations Engineer (SecOps)
  • Data Analyst
  • Backend Quality Assurance (QA)
  • Legacy System Modernization Developer
  • API Evangelist

CS Foundations

Foundation 1

  • Programming language
  • OOPs
  • Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA)
  • Design Patterns
  • Database basics

Foundation 2

  • Networking (OSI, TCP/UDP, HTTP, SSH)
  • Security
  • Operating System basics
  • Software Architecture
  • DevOps basics
  • System Design


Mastering backend development requires a deep understanding of various technologies and concepts, including programming, databases, API design, security, and more. This roadmap outlines the key areas to focus on and serves as a guide for your learning journey.