API Design
Building RESTful APIs
URI Design

A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) is a way to identify web resources. In RESTful APIs, URI design is critical because it makes APIs intuitive, easy to use, and maintainable. Good URI design ensures that your API endpoints are user-friendly, self-descriptive, and consistent.

Key Principles of URI Design

  1. Resource-Based Approach:

    • Represent resources using nouns in the URI, and avoid verbs.
    • Example:
      • Correct: /users, /products
      • Incorrect: /getUser, /createProduct
  2. Consistent Structure:

    • Use consistent naming conventions and structure throughout your API.
    • Example:
      • Correct: /users, /users/{id}/orders
      • Incorrect: /users, /user_orders
  3. Use Hierarchical Structure:

    • Organize resources in a hierarchical structure to represent relationships.
    • Example:
      • Users and their orders: /users/{id}/orders
  4. Plural Nouns for Collections:

    • Represent collections using plural nouns.
    • Example:
      • Correct: /users, /orders
      • Incorrect: /user, /order
  5. Avoid Deep Nesting:

    • Avoid unnecessary deep nesting in URIs, as it can become complex and difficult to use.
    • Example:
      • Correct: /users/{id}/orders
      • Incorrect: /users/{id}/orders/{orderId}/items/{itemId}

Best Practices for URI Design

  1. Use Meaningful Resource Names:

    • Resource names should be meaningful and understandable.
    • Example:
      • /customers instead of /cust
      • /products instead of /prod
  2. Use Path Parameters for Resource Identification:

    • Use path parameters to identify specific resources.
    • Example:
      • /users/{userId}
      • /orders/{orderId}
  3. Use Query Parameters for Filtering and Sorting:

    • Use query parameters for filtering, sorting, and pagination.
    • Example:
      • /users?age=30
      • /products?category=electronics&sort=price
  4. Implement Versioning:

    • Implement versioning in the URI to represent different versions of the API.
    • Example:
      • /v1/users
      • /v2/users
  5. Use Hyphens for Readability:

    • Use hyphens to improve readability in URI components, and avoid underscores.
    • Example:
      • Correct: /user-profile
      • Incorrect: /user_profile
  6. Lowercase Letters:

    • Use lowercase letters in URIs for consistency and simplicity.
    • Example:
      • Correct: /products
      • Incorrect: /Products
  7. Indicate Resource Hierarchy:

    • Clearly indicate the resource hierarchy in the URI.
    • Example:
      • /users/{userId}/orders for a user’s orders
      • /shops/{shopId}/products for a shop’s products

Examples of URI Design

  1. Basic Resource URIs:

    • Retrieve all users: /users
    • Retrieve a specific user: /users/{userId}
    • Retrieve all orders: /orders
    • Retrieve a specific order: /orders/{orderId}
  2. Hierarchical Resource URIs:

    • Retrieve orders of a specific user: /users/{userId}/orders
    • Retrieve items of a specific order: /orders/{orderId}/items
  3. Query Parameters for Filtering and Sorting:

    • Retrieve users filtered by age: /users?age=30
    • Retrieve products sorted by price: /products?sort=price
    • Retrieve paginated results: /users?page=2&pageSize=10
  4. Versioning URIs:

    • Version 1 of the users endpoint: /v1/users
    • Version 2 of the users endpoint: /v2/users


Good URI design makes your RESTful APIs intuitive, user-friendly, and maintainable. By following the principles and best practices of URI design, you can ensure that your endpoints are consistent and self-descriptive, making them easy to understand and use. Using meaningful resource names, properly utilizing path and query parameters, implementing versioning, and maintaining readability can streamline your web services and provide a better developer and user experience! 🌐🚀