
DevOps Roadmap


DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the development lifecycle, deliver features, fixes, and updates frequently, and ensure high quality and reliability. This roadmap will guide you through essential skills and tools in DevOps.

Understanding DevOps

  • What is DevOps?: Learn about the DevOps culture, principles, and its benefits.
  • DevOps Lifecycle: Familiarize yourself with the stages: Plan, Develop, Build, Test, Release, Deploy, Operate, and Monitor.

Programming Languages

Networking Fundamentals

Introduction to Computer Networks

  • What is Computer Network: Basics of computer networking.
  • Components of Computer Network: Routers, switches, and other key components.
  • Characteristics of Computer Network: Reliability, scalability, and security.
  • Types of Network: LAN, WAN, MAN, and WLAN.
  • Advantages/Disadvantages of Computer Networks: Pros and cons of networking.
  • IEEE 802.11 (opens in a new tab) Networks: Wi-Fi standards and protocols.

Network Architecture

  • Layered Architecture: OSI and TCP/IP models.
  • Peer to Peer Network: P2P network structure and use cases.
  • Client Server Network: Centralized server management.

Network Topologies

  • What is Network Topology: Overview of network topologies.
  • Mesh Topology: Full and partial mesh networks.
  • Bus Topology: Characteristics and implementation.
  • Ring Topology: Data transmission and performance.
  • Star Topology: Centralized hub-based networks.
  • Tree Topology: Hierarchical network structure.
  • Hybrid Topology: Combination of different topologies.

MAC Address and IP Address

  • What is MAC address: Media Access Control address explanation.
  • What is an IP address: Internet Protocol address overview.
  • Types of IP address: IPv4, IPv6, static, and dynamic IPs.
  • Difference between MAC address and IP address: Comparison and use cases.
  • Static IP and Dynamic IP: Configuration and benefits.
  • IPv4 and IPv6: Address formats and differences.
  • Subnetting and Supernetting: IP address allocation and network design.
  • Subnet Mask: Subnetting fundamentals.

Network Protocols

  • What is Network Protocol: Definition and importance.
  • Application Layer Protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc.
  • Routing Protocols: OSPF, BGP, RIP.
  • Transport Layer Protocols: TCP, UDP.
  • Cryptographic Protocols: SSL/TLS.
  • Network Management Protocols: SNMP.

Introduction to OSI Model

  • What is OSI Model: OSI model overview.
  • Layers of OSI Model: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application.
  • OSI Security Architecture: Security mechanisms and services.
  • Advantages/Disadvantages of an OSI Model: Benefits and limitations.

Physical Layer

  • What is Physical Layer in OSI Model: Basics of the physical layer.
  • Guided Transmission Media: Cables, fiber optics.
  • Un-Guided Transmission Media: Wireless communication.
  • Hub: Function and use.
  • Modem: Modulation and demodulation.
  • Repeater: Signal amplification.
  • Multiplexing: Techniques and types.

Data Link Layer

  • What is Data Link Layer in OSI Model: Role and functions.
  • Framing in Data Link Layer: Data encapsulation.
  • Flow Control and Error Control: Mechanisms to ensure data integrity.
  • Error Detection and Correction: Techniques like CRC.
  • Data Link Protocols: Ethernet, PPP.
  • Point to Point Protocol: Data link protocol specifics.
  • High Level Data Link Control Protocol: HDLC details.
  • Multiple Access Protocols: CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA.
  • Bridges: Network segmentation.
  • Switch: Switching and forwarding.
  • Network Interface Card (NIC): Hardware and functions.

Network Layer

  • Network Layer and its Functions: Routing and addressing.
  • Routing: Route selection and protocols.
  • Routing Tables: Structure and use.
  • Routing Protocols: Detailed protocols like RIP, OSPF.
  • ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol.
  • Internet Protocols: IP addressing and routing.
  • Network Addressing: Address schemes.
  • Congestion Control: Mechanisms to handle traffic.
  • Fragmentation: Handling large packets.

Transport Layer

  • Transport Layer and its Functions: Communication management.
  • Transport Layer Protocols: TCP, UDP differences.
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS): Securing data in transit.
  • Difference between TCP and UDP: Comparison and use cases.
  • TCP Flow Control: Mechanisms like sliding window.
  • Firewalls: Network security.
  • Gateways: Network interconnections.

Session Layer & Presentation Layer

  • Session Layer and its Protocols: Managing sessions and data exchange.
  • Presentation Layer and its Protocols: Data translation and encryption.

Application Layer

  • What is Application Layer: User interface and application services.
  • Application Layer Protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP.
  • Domain Name System (DNS (opens in a new tab)): Domain resolution.
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): Email transmission.
  • TELNET: Remote access.

Introduction to TCP/IP Model

  • What is TCP/IP Model: Overview of the TCP/IP suite.
  • Comparison between OSI and TCP/IP Network Models: Key differences and similarities.
  • TCP Features: Reliable data transfer.
  • Ports: Service endpoints.
  • TCP and UDP: Protocol comparison.
  • TCP/IP 3-Way Handshake Process: Connection establishment.

Layers of TCP/IP Model

  • Application Layer: Application-level protocols.
  • Transport Layer: Transport protocols like TCP and UDP.
  • Internet Layer: IP routing and addressing.
  • Network Access Layer: Data link and physical layers.

Linux & Shell Scripting

Introduction to Linux

Linux Command Line

  • What is CLI: Command-Line Interface basics.
  • File System Hierarchy: Directory structure.
  • Basic File Operations: Creating, reading, writing files.
  • Important Linux Commands: Common commands for file and system management.

Users and Permissions

  • Linux User: User accounts and roles.
  • Linux User Management: Adding and modifying users.
  • Linux adduser Command: Creating new users.
  • Linux usermod Command: Modifying user accounts.
  • Linux userdel Command: Deleting users.
  • Linux id Command: Displaying user information.
  • Linux User Password: Managing user passwords.
  • Linux File Permission: Understanding and changing file permissions.
  • Linux Groups: Group management and permissions.


  • Linux Files: File types and attributes.
  • Create New File: Using commands like touch.
  • Linux Touch Command: File creation and modification.
  • Linux Cat Command: Viewing file contents.
  • Linux cp Command: Copying files.
  • Linux mv Command: Moving and renaming files.
  • Linux rm Command: Removing files.
  • Linux read Command: Reading file contents.


  • Linux Directories: Directory structure and management.
  • Linux Directory: Directory creation and navigation.
  • Linux ls Command: Listing directory contents.
  • Linux pwd Command: Displaying current directory.
  • Linux cd Command: Changing directories.
  • Linux mkdir Command: Creating directories.
  • Linux rename Command: Renaming files and directories.
  • Linux rmdir Command: Removing directories.

File System

  • Linux File System: Understanding file systems.
  • Linux File System Types: ext4, xfs, etc.
  • Linux Disk Management: Partitioning and formatting disks.
  • Linux mount Command: Mounting file systems.
  • Linux umount Command: Unmounting file systems.

Package Management


  • Linux ifconfig Command: Configuring network interfaces.
  • Linux iwconfig Command: Wireless network configuration.
  • Linux ip Command: Network management and configuration (ip Command Documentation (opens in a new tab)).
  • Linux ping Command: Checking network connectivity.
  • Linux traceroute Command: Tracing network paths.
  • Linux tracepath Command: Tracing paths with automatic MTU discovery.
  • Linux netstat Command: Network statistics.
  • Linux nslookup Command: DNS querying.
  • Linux iptables Command: Firewall configuration.
  • Linux curl & wget Commands: Fetching and downloading data.
  • Linux dig Command: DNS lookup.

Shell Scripting

  • What is Shell Scripting: Writing scripts for automation.
  • Variables: Defining and using variables.
  • Special Variables: Shell special variables.
  • Operators: Arithmetic and logical operators.
  • if...else & case...esac Statements: Conditional statements.
  • For Loop: Looping through items.
  • While Loop: Looping with conditions.
  • Until Loop: Looping until conditions are met.
  • Select Loop: Interactive menu creation.
  • Arrays: Handling arrays in scripts.
  • Functions: Defining and using functions.
  • Linux Regex: Regular expressions for pattern matching.
  • Linux Filters: Using filters like grep, sed, awk.
  • Linux Error Codes: Understanding exit statuses.

Docker (opens in a new tab)


  • Containerization and its Benefits: Benefits of containerizing applications.
  • Cloud Containers: Using containers in the cloud.

Docker Fundamentals

  • What is Docker: Overview of Docker.
  • Docker Architecture: Docker components and their roles.
  • Docker Engine: Docker runtime environment.
  • Docker CLI: Command-line interface usage.
  • Docker Registry: Storing and distributing Docker images.
  • Docker Compose: Defining and running multi-container applications.

Docker Containers

  • Docker Containers: Creating and managing containers.
  • Running Docker Containers: Executing and interacting with containers.
  • Managing Docker Containers: Container lifecycle management.
  • Running Multiple Processes: Handling multiple processes within containers.

Docker Images

  • Docker Images: Creating and managing images.
  • Image Layers: Understanding image layers.
  • Writing a Dockerfile: Creating Dockerfiles for image builds.
  • Build, Tag and Publish an Image: Building and publishing images.
  • Multi Stage Builds: Optimizing Dockerfile builds.

Docker Networking

  • Docker Networking Overview: Network configuration for containers.
  • Types of Networking: Different networking modes.
  • Bridge Network: Default network mode.
  • Host Network: Sharing host network stack.
  • Overlay Network: Multi-host networking.
  • Macvlan Network: Assigning MAC addresses to containers.
  • Connecting Container to Network: Network connection management.

Docker Storage and Volumes

  • Docker Storage: Storage options for Docker.
  • Docker Volumes: Managing volumes for persistent storage.
  • Docker Named Volumes: Named volumes for data persistence.
  • Bind Mounts: Mounting host directories.
  • Tmpfs Mounts: In-memory filesystems.
  • Storage Drivers: Choosing and configuring storage drivers.
  • Btrfs Storage Driver: Btrfs driver details.
  • OverlayFS Storage Driver: OverlayFS driver details.
  • VFS Storage Driver: Virtual File System driver details.
  • ZFS Storage Driver: ZFS driver details.
  • Data Management in Docker Containers: Managing data within containers.

Docker Compose

  • What is Docker Compose: Overview of Docker Compose.
  • Install Docker Compose: Installation steps.
  • How Compose Works: Understanding Compose files and configuration.
  • Running App with Compose: Deploying applications.
  • Using Profiles with Compose: Environment-specific configurations.
  • Compose Watch: Auto-reloading configuration.
  • Compose in Production: Best practices for production.
  • Secrets in Compose: Managing secrets with Docker Compose.
  • Defining Multi-Container Applications: Configuring multi-container setups.
  • Docker Compose CLI: Command-line usage.

Docker Swarm

  • Swarm: Overview of Docker Swarm.
  • Create a Swarm: Initializing a Swarm cluster.
  • Add Nodes: Adding nodes to the Swarm.
  • Deploy a Service: Deploying services in Swarm.
  • Inspect the Service: Viewing service details.
  • Scale the Service: Adjusting service scale.
  • Delete the Service: Removing services.
  • Rolling Updates: Updating services with zero downtime.

Docker Security

  • Docker Security: Security best practices for Docker.
  • Namespace Isolation: Isolating containers using namespaces.
  • Namespace vs Control Group: Differences and uses.
  • Docker Security Best Practices: Ensuring container security.

Docker Orchestration with Kubernetes

  • Introduction to Kubernetes: Overview of Kubernetes.
  • Kubernetes Cluster Architecture: Components and architecture.
  • Docker and Kubernetes Integration: Using Docker containers with Kubernetes.
  • Pods: Basic Kubernetes units.
  • Replica Set: Ensuring availability.
  • Deployments: Managing applications.
  • Kubernetes Network Model: Networking in Kubernetes.
  • Services: Exposing applications.
  • Ingress: Managing external access.
  • Deployments: Continuous deployment strategies.

Docker Monitoring and Logging

  • Monitoring and Logging: Tracking container performance and logs.
  • Container Logs: Accessing and managing logs.
  • Daemon Logs: Docker daemon logging.
  • Runtime Metrics: Collecting runtime metrics.
  • Docker Metrics with Prometheus: Monitoring with Prometheus.
  • Grafana: Visualizing metrics with Grafana.
  • Monitoring Docker Containers: Tools and techniques for container monitoring.

Advanced DevOps

Serverless Computing

  • What is Serverless Computing: Understanding serverless architecture.
  • AWS Lambda: Using AWS Lambda for serverless applications.
  • Azure Functions: Azure’s serverless offering.
  • Google Cloud Functions: Serverless functions in Google Cloud.

Infrastructure as Code

  • What is IaC: Overview of Infrastructure as Code.
  • Terraform: Managing infrastructure with Terraform.
  • AWS CloudFormation: AWS tool for infrastructure management.
  • Azure Resource Manager: Managing resources in Azure.
  • Google Cloud Deployment Manager: Google Cloud’s infrastructure management tool.

Configuration Management

  • Configuration Management: Managing system configurations.
  • Ansible: Automation with Ansible.
  • Puppet: Configuration management with Puppet.
  • Chef: Managing configurations with Chef.

Secret Management

  • Secret Management in DevOps: Best practices for managing secrets.
  • AWS Secret Manager: Managing secrets in AWS.
  • Managing Secrets in Terraform: Handling secrets with Terraform.
  • Secret Rotation: Regularly updating secrets.

Microservices Architecture

  • Microservices Architecture: Building applications with microservices.
  • Microservices Communication: Communication strategies for microservices.
  • Service Decomposition: Breaking down applications into services.
  • Dockerizing Microservices: Containerizing microservices for deployment.


  • Cloud Design Patterns: Common patterns for cloud architectures.
  • GitOps: Using GitOps for deployment automation.
  • Managing Secrets with GitOps: Handling secrets in GitOps workflows.
  • Jenkins: Continuous integration with Jenkins.
  • Kubernetes Cluster with Amazon EKS: Running Kubernetes on AWS EKS.