Programming Language

Abstraction in JavaScript: Hiding Complexity and Simplifying Code


Abstraction is one of the key principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). It helps us hide the complex details of our code and exposes only the necessary parts to the outside world. In JavaScript, abstraction can be effectively used within class constructors to simplify code, making it easier to understand, maintain, and work with.

In this article, we'll explore what abstraction is, how it works in JavaScript using class constructors, and provide an example to help you understand it better.

What is Abstraction?

Abstraction in OOP is the process of hiding the internal details of how something works and only showing the necessary features to the users. Think of it as using a TV remote; you don’t need to know the complex workings of the TV's circuits, you just press a button to change the channel.

In JavaScript, abstraction is often used in classes to hide the complex logic inside methods and only expose the necessary functionality to other parts of the code.

Abstraction in Class Constructors

When we create a class in JavaScript, we can use abstraction to simplify the constructor and methods. This means we can hide complex operations inside the class and provide a simple interface for creating objects and interacting with them.

Example: Bank Account

Let's say we are creating a system for managing bank accounts. We want to create a BankAccount class that handles account operations like depositing money, withdrawing money, and checking the balance.

Here’s how we can use abstraction to simplify the process:

// BankAccount class with abstraction
class BankAccount {
  constructor(accountNumber, accountHolder, initialBalance) {
    this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
    this.accountHolder = accountHolder;
    this._balance = initialBalance; // Private variable (conventionally)
  // Method to deposit money
  deposit(amount) {
    if (amount > 0) {
      this._balance += amount;
      console.log(`Deposited $${amount}. New balance: $${this._balance}`);
    } else {
      console.log("Deposit amount must be positive.");
  // Method to withdraw money
  withdraw(amount) {
    if (amount > 0 && amount <= this._balance) {
      this._balance -= amount;
      console.log(`Withdrew $${amount}. New balance: $${this._balance}`);
    } else {
      console.log("Insufficient balance or invalid amount.");
  // Method to check the balance
  checkBalance() {
    console.log(`Current balance: $${this._balance}`);
// Creating an instance of BankAccount
const myAccount = new BankAccount('123456789', 'John Doe', 1000);
// Using the methods to interact with the account
myAccount.deposit(500);       // Deposited $500. New balance: $1500
myAccount.withdraw(200);      // Withdrew $200. New balance: $1300
myAccount.checkBalance();     // Current balance: $1300


  • Private Variable: The balance property is used with an underscore () as a convention to indicate that it should be treated as private. This is part of abstraction because we don't want external code to directly modify the balance; instead, we provide methods like deposit and withdraw to safely handle these operations.

  • Simplified Interface: The class provides a simple interface with methods (deposit, withdraw, checkBalance) that other parts of the code can use without worrying about the underlying complexity of how these operations are implemented.

  • Hidden Complexity: The internal logic, such as checking if the deposit amount is positive or if there's enough balance to withdraw, is hidden inside the methods. The user of the class doesn’t need to worry about these details—they just call the methods and get the desired result.

Why Use Abstraction?

  • Abstraction helps in creating cleaner, more organized, and easier-to-maintain code. By hiding the unnecessary details, it allows developers to focus on what really matters. Here are some key benefits:

  • Simplifies the Interface: Users interact with a simple and clear set of methods, making the code easier to use and understand.

  • Encapsulation: Abstraction naturally leads to encapsulation, where data is kept safe from unintended modifications.

  • Reduces Complexity: By hiding the complex details, the code becomes less cluttered and more manageable.

  • Easier Maintenance: Since the implementation details are hidden, changes can be made internally without affecting the code that uses the class.


Abstraction is a powerful concept in Object-Oriented Programming that helps in managing complexity by hiding the internal workings of classes and providing a simple, easy-to-use interface. In JavaScript, using abstraction within class constructors allows you to create cleaner, more efficient, and easier-to-maintain code.

By understanding and applying abstraction in your JavaScript classes, you can write code that is not only functional but also elegant and easy for others (or your future self) to work with.