API Design
HTTP Methods

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) methods, or HTTP verbs, specify the actions to be performed on a resource identified by a URL. Each method defines a specific operation, allowing clients (such as web browsers) to interact with web servers in various ways without directly accessing the server's internals.

Commonly Used HTTP Methods

  1. GET:

    • Retrieves data from a specified resource without altering it.
    • GET requests are used solely for data retrieval and should not have side effects on the server.
    • Primarily used to fetch webpages, images, or static content from servers.
  2. POST:

    • Submits data to be processed to a specified resource.
    • POST requests are typically used to create new resources on the server or to submit form data.
    • Unlike GET, POST requests may have side effects, such as creating a new record in a database.
  3. PUT:

    • Updates an existing resource on the server.
    • PUT requests modify existing data.
    • If the resource already exists, it replaces it; if not, it creates a new resource.
  4. DELETE:

    • Removes a specified resource from the server.
    • DELETE requests are used to remove resources specified by a URL.
    • They should be used with caution as they irreversibly delete data from the server.
  5. HEAD:

    • Similar to GET, but retrieves only the headers of the response without the message body.
    • HEAD requests are useful for checking metadata about a resource, such as size or last modified date, without downloading the entire content.
  6. PATCH:

    • Applies partial modifications to a resource.
    • PATCH requests are used to apply partial updates to a resource.
    • Unlike PUT, which replaces the entire resource, PATCH modifies only specific parts of the resource.

    • Retrieves the HTTP methods supported by the server for a specific URL.
    • OPTIONS requests are used to determine the communication options available for the target resource.
    • They are useful in scenarios such as cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and other access control contexts.
  8. TRACE:

    • Echoes the received request so clients can see what changes or additions intermediate servers have made.
    • TRACE requests are primarily used for debugging purposes, allowing the tracing of the request as it travels through proxies and servers.

Choosing the Correct HTTP Method

  • GET: Use to retrieve data from the server, such as webpages, images, or other resources.

  • POST: Use to submit data to the server, such as form submissions or creating new resources.

  • PUT: Use to update existing resources on the server, typically replacing the entire resource with new data.

  • DELETE: Use to remove resources from the server, ensuring caution as this action is irreversible.

  • PATCH: Use to apply partial updates to existing resources, making small changes without replacing the entire resource.

  • HEAD: Use to retrieve metadata about a resource, such as size or last modified date, without downloading the full content.

  • OPTIONS: Use to determine the communication options available for the target resource, particularly in CORS and access control scenarios.

  • TRACE: Use primarily for debugging purposes to trace the request as it passes through proxies and servers.


Understanding HTTP methods is essential for web communication and building robust web applications. Each method defines a specific action that clients can perform on server resources, facilitating data retrieval, submission, modification, and deletion. By choosing the appropriate HTTP method, developers can ensure efficient and secure communication between clients and servers. HTTP methods are powerful tools for implementing comprehensive web functionalities! 🚀