CAP Theorem

Understanding the CAP Theorem

What is CAP?

The CAP Theorem is a key concept in distributed systems. It states that a distributed system can only guarantee two out of three important features:

  1. Consistency (C)
    This means that every time you read data, you get the most recent write or an error. The system should not show outdated data while changes are being made.

  2. Availability (A)
    This means the system always responds to requests, even if it has to return old or inconsistent data. The system should be available all the time, even if some parts are failing.

  3. Partition Tolerance (P)
    This means the system continues to work even if there is a network failure between parts of the system. The system should keep running even if some nodes cannot communicate with each other.

CAP Theorem Explained

The CAP Theorem says that you can only achieve two of the three features (Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance) in a distributed system. You can’t have all three at the same time. Here's how it works:

  • Consistency and Availability: If the system focuses on consistency and availability, it may not handle network partitions well.
  • Consistency and Partition Tolerance: If the system focuses on consistency and partition tolerance, it might not be available all the time.
  • Availability and Partition Tolerance: If the system focuses on availability and partition tolerance, it might return inconsistent data.

Since Partition Tolerance is crucial for distributed systems (because network failures happen), the trade-off is usually between Consistency and Availability.

Consistency (C)

In a consistent system:

  • All nodes show the same, up-to-date data.
  • If changes are being made, reads are blocked until all nodes have the latest data.
  • This might make the system temporarily unavailable while it syncs the data.

Key Point:

  • Highly consistent systems prioritize showing the most recent data, even if it means the system might be unavailable at times.

Availability (A)

In a highly available system:

  • The system always responds to requests, even if it has to give outdated or inconsistent data.
  • This means that even if nodes are out of sync or there's a network issue, the system remains operational.

Key Point:

  • Highly available systems prioritize keeping the system accessible all the time, even if it means showing old or inconsistent data.

Partition Tolerance (P)

Partition Tolerance means:

  • The system keeps working even if there’s a network failure between some nodes.
  • The system will continue to operate, but may have to choose between consistency and availability.

Key Point:

  • Partition tolerance is essential for distributed systems to handle network failures, but it requires choosing between consistency and availability.

Trade-offs in the CAP Theorem

In practice, distributed systems must decide between:

  1. Consistency vs. Availability
    • Consistency First (CP Systems): These systems ensure data consistency and tolerate network partitions but might become temporarily unavailable. Examples: HBase, MongoDB (in strict consistency mode).
    • Availability First (AP Systems): These systems ensure availability and tolerate network partitions but might serve outdated or inconsistent data. Examples: Cassandra, DynamoDB, Couchbase.

Use Cases

1. Bank Transactions (CP Systems)

For financial transactions:

  • Consistency is crucial to avoid errors like double deductions or incorrect balances.
  • Banks accept temporary unavailability if it means ensuring that all transactions are accurate and consistent.

2. Social Media (AP Systems)

For social media platforms:

  • Availability is crucial, so users can always access their feeds, even if the data is slightly out of date.
  • It's okay if users see some outdated posts, as long as the system is always available.


The CAP Theorem helps us understand the trade-offs in distributed systems. Since Partition Tolerance is necessary, systems must choose whether to prioritize Consistency or Availability based on their needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • CAP Theorem: You can only guarantee two out of three features (Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance) at a time.
  • Partition Tolerance is vital for handling network issues, so the choice often comes down to Consistency versus Availability.
  • Highly consistent systems (CP) focus on accurate data, while highly available systems (AP) ensure continuous access, even if data may be outdated.