Docker Commands
Docker provides a powerful CLI (Command Line Interface) for managing containers, images, networks, and volumes. Below is a comprehensive list of the most commonly used Docker commands, categorized by functionality, with a brief explanation for each.
Installation Commands
docker install
Installs Docker on your system. Refer to official Docker installation guides for platform-specific instructions.
Docker Login Commands
docker login
Logs you into Docker Hub or a custom Docker registry to authenticate your session.
Running Containers
docker run <image_name>
Runs a container from a specified image. If the image doesn't exist locally, it pulls it from a registry.
docker run -p <host_port>:<container_port> <image_name>
-p <host_port>:<container_port>
: Exposes a port from the container to the host machine.
docker run -e <env_var> <image_name>
-e <env_var>
: Sets an environment variable inside the container.
docker run -d <image_name>
: Runs the container in detached mode (in the background).
docker run --name <container_name> <image_name>
-name <container_name>
: Assigns a name to the container.
docker run -v <host_path>:<container_path> <image_name>
-v <host_path>:<container_path>
: Mounts a volume from the host to the container.
docker ps
Lists all running containers.
docker ps -a
Lists all containers, including stopped ones.
: Shows all containers (running and stopped).
docker kill <container_id>
Stops a running container immediately.
Container Management Commands
docker create <image_name>
Creates a container from a specified image but doesn't start it.
docker start <container_id>
Starts a stopped container.
docker stop <container_id>
Stops a running container gracefully.
docker kill <container_id>
Immediately stops a running container.
docker restart <container_id>
Restarts a running or stopped container.
docker pause <container_id>
Pauses a running container, suspending its processes.
docker unpause <container_id>
Resumes a paused container.
docker rm <container_id>
Removes a stopped container from the system.
: Forces the removal of a running container.
Inspecting The Container
docker ps
Lists running containers.
docker ps -a
Lists all containers (running or stopped).
docker top <container_id>
Displays information about the processes running in a container.
docker diff <container_id>
Shows the changes made to a container's filesystem.
docker inspect <container_id>
Provides detailed information about a container, including its configuration and state.
: Formats the output using a Go template.
Image Management Commands
docker images
Lists all available Docker images on the local machine.
docker rmi <image_id>
Removes an image from the local machine.
docker pull <image_name>
Pulls an image from Docker Hub or a custom registry.
docker tag <image_id> <new_tag>
Tags an image with a new tag.
docker push <image_name>
Pushes an image to Docker Hub or a custom registry.
docker build -t <image_name> <path>
Builds a Docker image from a Dockerfile located at the specified path.
Docker Network Commands
docker network ls
Lists all Docker networks.
docker network create <network_name>
Creates a new Docker network.
docker network connect <network_name> <container_id>
Connects a running container to a network.
docker network disconnect <network_name> <container_id>
Disconnects a container from a network.
Docker Exposing Ports Commands
docker run -p <host_port>:<container_port> <image_name>
: Maps a port from the container to the host machine for external access.
- Example: docker run
8080:80 nginx exposes port 80 in the container to port 8080 on the host machine.
Docker Commands for Removing Containers, Images, Volumes, and Networks
docker rm <container_id>
Removes a stopped container from the system.
: Forces the removal of a running container.
docker rmi <image_id>
Removes an image from the local machine.
docker volume rm <volume_name>
Removes a Docker volume.
docker network rm <network_name>
Removes a Docker network.
Docker File Commands
docker build -t <image_name> <path>
Builds a Docker image from a Dockerfile located at the specified path.
docker exec <container_id> <command>
Runs a command inside a running container.
Docker Volume Commands
docker volume ls
Lists all Docker volumes.
docker volume create <volume_name>
Creates a new Docker volume.
docker volume inspect <volume_name>
Displays information about a specific volume.
docker volume rm <volume_name>
Removes a Docker volume.
Docker Hub Commands
docker login
Logs into Docker Hub or a custom Docker registry.
docker logout
Logs out of Docker Hub or a custom registry.
docker pull <image_name>
Downloads an image from Docker Hub or a custom registry.
docker push <image_name>
Uploads an image to Docker Hub or a custom registry.
General Commands
docker version
Displays Docker version information.
docker info
Displays detailed system-wide information about Docker, including the number of containers, images, and Docker engine version.
The Docker CLI provides a powerful set of commands that allow users to efficiently manage containers, images, networks, and volumes. By mastering these commands and options, you can automate workflows, deploy applications, and optimize containerized environments with ease.