Programming Language

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in JavaScript

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a way of writing code that helps you organize and manage it more easily. Imagine you are building something complex, like a car, in code. Instead of writing everything in one big chunk, OOP allows you to break it down into smaller, manageable pieces called objects. These objects represent real-world things (like a car, a person, or a book) and have both data (called properties) and actions (called methods) they can perform.

Key Concepts of OOP

  1. Classes: Think of a class as a blueprint for creating objects. If you want to create multiple cars in your program, you would first define a Car class. This class will describe what a car should have (properties) and what it can do (methods).

    class Car {
      constructor(make, model, year) {
        this.make = make;
        this.model = model;
        this.year = year;
      startEngine() {
        console.log(`${this.make} ${this.model} is starting.`);
  2. Objects: An object is a specific instance created from a class. If the class is a blueprint, the object is the actual car.

    const myCar = new Car('Toyota', 'Corolla', 2020);
    myCar.startEngine(); // Output: "Toyota Corolla is starting."
  3. Properties: Properties are like characteristics of an object. In our Car example, make, model, and year are properties that describe each car.

  4. Methods: Methods are actions that an object can perform. In our example, startEngine() is a method that makes the car start.

The Four Principles of OOP

OOP is built on four main ideas that make your code cleaner, easier to understand, and more efficient:

  1. Abstraction: Abstraction is like a TV remote. You press a button to change the channel, but you don’t need to know how it works inside. In code, this means hiding complex details and showing only what is necessary.

    class Remote {
      changeChannel(channelNumber) {
        console.log(`Changing to channel ${channelNumber}`);
    const myRemote = new Remote();
    myRemote.changeChannel(5); // You don't need to know how it works, just use it.
  2. Encapsulation: Encapsulation means keeping the details of how something works hidden inside an object, like keeping your personal details locked away in a safe. This makes sure that nobody can change your data in unexpected ways.

    class BankAccount {
      #balance; // The '#' symbol makes this property private.
      constructor(initialBalance) {
        this.#balance = initialBalance;
      deposit(amount) {
        this.#balance += amount;
      getBalance() {
        return this.#balance;
    const myAccount = new BankAccount(100);
    console.log(myAccount.getBalance()); // Output: 150
    // Cannot access myAccount.#balance directly
  3. Inheritance: Inheritance allows one class to inherit the properties and methods of another class. This is like a child inheriting traits from a parent. For example, a ElectricCar class could inherit from the Car class.

    class ElectricCar extends Car {
      chargeBattery() {
        console.log(`${this.make} ${this.model} is charging.`);
    const myElectricCar = new ElectricCar('Tesla', 'Model 3', 2021);
    myElectricCar.startEngine(); // Inherited from Car class
    myElectricCar.chargeBattery(); // Specific to ElectricCar
  4. Polymorphism: Polymorphism means “many forms.” It allows you to use a method in different ways for different objects. A method in a child class can behave differently from the same method in the parent class.

    class Animal {
      speak() {
        console.log('The animal makes a sound');
    class Dog extends Animal {
      speak() {
        console.log('The dog barks');
    class Cat extends Animal {
      speak() {
        console.log('The cat meows');
    const myDog = new Dog();
    const myCat = new Cat();
    myDog.speak(); // Output: "The dog barks"
    myCat.speak(); // Output: "The cat meows"

The Main Goals of OOP

The goal of OOP is to help you write code that is:

  1. Organized: Code is broken into small pieces (objects) that are easy to manage.
  2. Simple: It simplifies complex problems by dividing them into smaller objects.
  3. Clean and Understandable: Each object is responsible for its own actions, making the code easier to understand.
  4. Easy to Explore: Anyone, from junior to senior developers, can quickly understand and work with the code.
  5. Easy to Maintain: Changes in one part of the code don't affect other parts, making it easier to maintain.
  6. Memory Efficient: Reuse common code and save memory by sharing properties and methods through inheritance.
  7. DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself): Reuse code wherever possible, so you don’t have to write the same code multiple times.

Why Use OOP in JavaScript?

JavaScript is a powerful language that allows you to use OOP principles. By using OOP, you can create code that is easier to maintain, understand, and scale. Whether you are building a simple application or a large, complex system, OOP can help you write better, more efficient code.

In summary, OOP in JavaScript helps you build programs in a structured way, making your code more organized, easier to work with, and scalable for the future.