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JavaScript Coding Interview Questions

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Question: What is typeof []

Answer: Object. Actually Array is derived from Object. If you want to check array use Array.isArray(arr)

Question: What is typeof arguments

Answer: Object. arguments are array like but not array. it has length, can access by index but can't push pop, etc.

Question: What is the value of typeof null

Answer: "object"

Question: What is console.log(true+false)

Answer: 1 here true -->> 1 & false -->> 0 then 1 + 0 -->> 1

Question: What is 2+true

*Answer: 3. The plus operator between a number and a boolean or two boolean will convert boolean to number. Hence, true converts to 1 and you get result of 2+1

Question: What is "2"+true

Answer: 2true here string concatination happer "2"+"true" -->> 2true

Question: What is the value of -'34'+10

Answer: -24. minus(-) in front of a string is an unary operator that will convert the string to a number and will make it negative. Hence, -'34' becomes, -34 and then plus (+) will perform simple addition as both the operands are number.

Question: What is the value of +'dude'

Answer: NaN. The plus (+) operator in front of a string is an unary operator that will try to convert the string to number. Here, JavaScript will fail to convert the "dude" to a number and will produce NaN.

Question: If you have var y = 1, x = y = typeof x; What is the value of x?

Answer: "undefined"

Question: for var a = (2, 3, 5); what is the value of a?

Answer: 5. The comma operator evaluates each of its operands (from left to right) and returns the value of the last operand. ref: MDN

Question: for var a = (1, 5 - 1) * 2 what is the value of a?

Answer: 8

Question: What is the value of !'bang'

Answer: false. ! is NOT.

Question: What is the value of parseFloat('12.3.4')

Answer: 12.3

Question: What is the value of Math.max([2,3,4,5]);

Answer: NaN

Question: typeof(NaN)


Question:null == undefined

Answer: true

Question: If var a = 2, b =3 what would be value of a && b

Answer: 3

Question: What is -5%2

Answer: 1 the result of remainder always get the symbol of first operand

let a = [];
let b = [];
console.log(a==b); //false
console.log(a===b); //false

Explaination : Here we are comparing memory location, not an array. Memory location of 2 arrays are not same.

let a = [];
let b = a;
console.log(a==b); //true
console.log(a===b); //true

Explaination : Here we are assigning a to b, where memory location is now same.

let a = [1];
let b = [1];
console.log(a[0]==b[0]); //true
console.log(a[0]===b[0]); //true

Explaination : Here we are comparing elements inside an array, not a memory location. We specify the index so that's why element get compared.

let z= [1,2,3]
let a ={name: "priya"}
console.log(...z); // 1 2 3

Explaination : ...z means destructing happened i.e, all the elements are come out from an array/object.

console.log(typeof NaN); //number

Explaination : If we divide "priya"/2 then it will give NaN.

let data = 10 - -10;
console.log(data); //20

Explaination : Minus minus will become plus so 10+10=20

const set = new Set([1,1,2,2,3,4,5])
console.log(set) //{1,2,3,4,5}

Explaination : It will remove duplicate values.

let data ={name: "priya"}
console.log(delete data.name); //true

Explaination : delete will return either true or false.

let data ={name: "priya"}
console.log(delete data); //false

Explaination : We can delete the object property only. We can't able to delete the object(i.e, data).

const data = ["piya", "priya", "supriya"];
const [y] = data;
console.log(y); //"priya"

Explaination : We are doing destructuring here. y is representing the first index only

const data = ["piya", "priya", "supriya"];
const [y,z] = data;
console.log(y,z); //"priya", "priya"

Explaination : We are doing destructuring here. y is representing the first index only and z representing the second index.

const data = ["piya", "priya", "supriya"];
const [,m] = data; // way to access any specific element here at second position
console.log(m); //"priya"

Explaination : To access any element without taking previous values, we can do just write comma.

const data ={name:"priya"}
const {name} = data; //how to get the name property without . dot operator

Explaination : Here we did object destructuring.It's not store in continuos memory location but array store in continuoes memory location so that's why we used comma in an array.

let data ={name:"priya"}
let data1={city:"ABC"}
data = {...data, ...data1} //merge 2 objects
console.log(data); // {name:"priya", age:"ABC"}

Explaination : using spread operator we use to merge the 2 objects. Three dots will pop out the property from an object and assign inside curly brackets.

let data ={name:"priya"}
let data1={city:"ABC"}
data = {data, ...data1} //merge 2 objects
console.log(data); // { "data" : {name:"priya"}, "city": "ABC"}

Explaination :Three dots will pop out the property from an object and assign inside curly brackets. If we didn't do destructing or spread operator then key will be object name(i.e, data) and assign the value as whole object into it.

let data ={name:"priya"}
let data1={city:"ABC", name: "supriya"}
data = {...data, ...data1} //merge 2 objects
console.log(data); // { name:"supriya", "city": "ABC"}

Explaination : If we have same keys while merging then the position of the property will remain same but the value get updated with new value. Because in an objects Keys hould be unique.

const name = "priya"
console.log(name()); //Error: name is not a function

Explaination : Function we are calling but it's not present so it will an error.

const result = false || {} || 20 || null;
console.log(result); //20

Explaination : OR operator will find first positive value. Null is a falsy value by default. {} is a positive value. It didn't reach till 20 and null.

const result = null || false || '';
console.log(result); //''

Explaination : OR operator will find first positive value. It will print '' because any of the true value didn't found so it will pick last value always.

const result = [] || 0 || true;
console.log(result); //[]

Explaination : OR operator will find first positive value. It will print [] because empty array/object is a positive.

console.log(Promise.resolve(5)); //Promise {<fulfilled>: 5}

Explaination : While doing resolve(), itself here a promise. If we pass number/string etc then it will print fulfilled.

console.log("smile" === "smile"); //true

Explaination : Each emojy contain unicode where we are compairing unicode not the emojy so it's true

JSON.parse ?

Parse JSON object to a JavaScript value // converting data into js object

let name  = "priya";
function getName(){
  console.log(name); //Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'name' before initialization 
  let name = "supriya";

Explaination : Hoisting used here. If we use VAR the can use variable before declare. But in LET we can't do that. LET/CONST need declaration first then can use it.

let name  = "priya";
function getName(){
  console.log(name); //priya

Explaination : Let is a block scope.Because of closures we can able to access name which is outside of a function with LET.

console.log((x => x)('I love')) //"I love"
console.log(`${(x => x)('I love')} to program`) //"I love to program"

Explaination : Template Literal used here. We use here arrow function which is returning a string

function sumValues(x,y,z){
  return x+y+z;
sumValues(...[2,3,4]) //how to call a function so that output will be 9

Explaination : we can't do like this sumValues(2,3,4).

const name = "priya is a girl.";
console.log(typeof name); //string
console.log(!typeof name); //false
console.log(!typeof name === 'object'); //false
console.log(!typeof name === 'string'); //false
console.log(!typeof name === false); //true

Explaination : We are using negation mark(!) which will return either true or false only.

const name = "priya";
const age ="10000";
console.log(isNaN(name)); //true
console.log(isNaN(age)); //false

Explaination : If it's not a number then return True. If it's a number then return false.

let person = {name: "priya"};
Object.seal(person); //post seal, how can you modify the person object
person.age ="1000";
person.name ="supriya";
console.log(person); //{name : "supriya"}

Explaination : Onceyou use Seal we can't able to add the more keys with values into it.But you can modigy the existing key.

let data = [2,9,0,10];
data.shift();//remove first element
console.log(data); //[9,0,10]
data.pop(); //remove last element

Explaination : shift and pop use to remove the elements from first and last index.

//check the value is even or odd
let a =10;
console.log(a%2===0 ? true : false); //true

Explaination : Need to divide by 2 and then checking if reminder is zero/one.

let data ={ name : "priya"};
delete data.name;
console.log(data); //{}

Explaination : delete always work with object properties not a object itself.

let data ="true";
//convert data into boolean false value
console.log(!data); //false
console.log(typeof !data); //boolean

Explaination : ! will make boolean value(or opposite value).

let data ="true";
//convert data into boolean true value
console.log(!!data); //true
console.log(typeof !!data); //boolean

Explaination : ! will make boolean value(or opposite value).

Diff between Map and foreach:

Map will return new thing but Foreach didn't return anything.

let data = ["piya", "priya", "supriya"];
delete data[1];
console.log(data); //["piya",,"supriya"] //["piya",empty,"supriya"]
console.log(data.length); //3

Explaination : Whenever element deleted from an object it will create a empty space. Array length will always reain same.

//merge 2 arrays
const a =[1,2,3];
const b =[4,5,6];
const c =[...a, ...b]
console.log(c); //[1,2,3,4,5,6]

Explaination : using spread operator

const a =[1,2,3];
const b =[3,4,5,6];
const c =[...a, ...b]
console.log(c); //[1,2,3,3,4,5,6]

Explaination : using spread operator still we can merge and both values will be present in arrays. But in an object, it will take the lates value and assigned to the 1st position of that key.

let c = 3**3;
console.log(c); //27
console.log(3*3); //9

Explaination : 3 square 3 means 333

let a=2;
  console.log(a); //100

Explaination : Here we are using zero time interval. setTimeout is async function so it will execute at last. Firstly all the sync code will get execute. so that's why 100 is assigned to a.

let a =2;
let A =30;
console.log(A); //30

Explaination : a and A both are diff variables.

let A10="hello";
let 10A ="hi";
console.log(A10); //hello
//console.log(10A); //error

Explaination : Variable can't start with a number.

let a="hello";
let b =`hello`;
console.log(a === b); //true
console.log(a == b); //true

Explaination : Doble code and backticks both are same.

let a =1;
let c =2;
console.log(--c === a); //true

Explaination : --c will be 1 so thats why true.

let a =1;
let b =1;
let c =2;
console.log(a === b === -c); //false

Explaination : a===b gives True. true === -c(number) gives false.

console.log(3*3); //9
console.log(3**3); //27
//console.log(3***3); //error

Explaination : *** doesn't exist in js.

console.log(a); //undefined
var a;

Explaination : We can use VAR variable before its declaration. We didn't assign any value but still by default "undefined" will be store in it.undefined means declared but value didn't initialised.

console.log(a); //not defined

Explaination : Not defined means variable didn't even declared.Also value is not assogned.

console.log([[[]]]); //[[[]]]

Explaination : It will print the nested array. We will get 3 nested array and each one have 1 element but at the last array will be empty.

How to find Operating system name?

navigator.plateform we can use it. //win32

let for = 100; //Error

Explaination : For is a reserved keyword.

function fruit(){
  console.log(name); //undefined
  console.log(price); //Error
  var name = "priya";
  let price = 1000;

Explaination : Hoisting concept used here. Error because in LET declaration first then only we can use it. but in var we can use brfore its declaration.

for(var i=0; i<3; i++){ //i=0 //1 //2 //3
  setTimeout(()=>console.log(i),1) // 3,3,3

Explaination : Var is a global variable. Firstly Sync code get executed then async code will start to execute. so i value incremented from 0 to 3 when pointer reaches to setTimeout so it will print 3 thrice time.

for(let i=0; i<3; i++){ //i=0 //1 //2 //3
  setTimeout(()=>console.log(i),1) //0 //1 //2

Explaination : LET is a block scope. so it will print 0,1,2. Its having own islocated scope.

console.log(+true); //1
console.log(typeof +true); //number

Explaination : if we write + in front of anything then it will convert into a number.

console.log(!"priya"); //false
console.log(typeof ("priya")); //string

Explaination : ! will give either true/false.! means false and !! means true.

let data = "size";
const bird = {size : "small"}
console.log(bird[data]); //small
console.log(bird["size"]); //small
console.log(bird.size); //small
console.log(bird.data); //undefined

Explaination : If we wants to access variable with object then use [] notation(. notation will not work).

let c = {name  : "priya"};
let d;
c.name = "supriya";
console.log(d.name); //supriya

Explaination : Using assignment operator we are accessing the same memory allocation.

var x;
var x=10;
console.log(x); //10

Explaination : Can be declare multiple times.

var x;
let x=10;
console.log(x); //Error

Explaination : Can't be declare multiple times with LET.

let a = 3;
let b = new Number(3);
console.log(a == b); //true
console.log(a === b); //false
console.log(typeof b); //object

Explaination : === will give false because a will give number but b will give an object.

let name;
nmae ={}; //wrong variable name i wrote
console.log(name); //undefined

Explaination : by default it wil be undefined if we declare first.

function first(){
  console.log("Woof!!"); //Woof!!
first.name = "apple";

Explaination : To add the property with a function then it will not create a impact.

function sum(a,b){
  return a+b;
console.log(sum(1, "2")); //12

Explaination : 2 is passed as a string so it will get concat. num+string = string

let num = 0;
console.log(num++); //0
console.log(++num); //2
console.log(num); //2

Explaination : ++ will increase the value by 1. preincrement and postincrement used here.

function getAge(...args){ //[1000]
  console.log(typeof args); //object

Explaination : typeof args means typeof an array means typeof [] is object.

function getAge(){ 
 age = 1000;
 console.log(age); //1000

Explaination : if we didn't declare with Var/Let/const then by default it will become as a Var.

function getAge(){ 
  'use strict'
 age = 1000;
 console.log(age); //error

Explaination : Use strict wil give a error because it forces to use a proper way of the variable declaration.

console.log(sum); //105

Explaination : It will perform the numerical operation

console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty("1")); //true
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty(1)); //true

Explaination : "1" and 1 treat as same.

const obj = {a:"one", b: "two", a:"three"}
console.log(obj); // {a:"three", b: "two"}

Explaination : Key position will be same but tha value get updated with new value in object.

for(let i=1; i<5; i++){
  if(i==3) continue;
  console.log(i); //1,2,4

Explaination : If i =3 then it will not execute the code for 3, but can execute for i=4.

const foo = () => console.log("first");
const bar = () => setTimeout(()=> console.log("second"));
const baz = () => console.log("third");

Explaination : first,third, second. Because asyn operation work post all the syn operation get complete.

<div onClick="console.log("first div")">
  <div onClick="console.log("second div")">
    <button onClick="console.log("button")">
     Click Me

Explaination : button, second div, first div. Even bubbling happened here.

const person = {name:'priya'};
function sayHi(age){
  return `${this.name} is ${age}`;
console.log(sayHi.call(person,21)); //"priya is 21"
console.log(sayHi.bind(person,21)); //it will return a function. //function sayHi(age){  return `${this.name} is ${age}`;}
console.log(sayHi.bind(person,21)()); //"priya is 21"

Explaination : Bind will always return a function so require to invoke the function.

function sayHi(){
  return (()=>0)();
console.log(typeof sayHi()); //number

Explaination : sayHi will return anonymous arrow function/IIFE, where it will return 0. type of 0 is number.

function sayHi(){
  return ()=>0;
console.log(typeof sayHi()); //function
console.log(typeof sayHi()()); //function

Explaination: sayHi will return anonymous arrow function/IIFE, where we didn't invole the arroe function so it will return function.

console.log(typeof typeof 1); //string

Explaination : typeof 1 is a number and typeof number is a string.

const numbers = [1,2,3];
console.log(numbers); //[1,2,3,,,,11]

Explaination : Array store elements in a continuous memory location. It will give empty in between an array.

const numbers = [1,2,3];
console.log(numbers); //[1,2,3,,,,.......]

Explaination: It will print infinite loop.

console.log(!!null); //false
console.log(!!""); //false
console.log(!!1); //true

Explaination: !null give true and !!null give false. !1 give false and then !!1 give true.

console.log(setInterval(()=>console.log('Hi'), 1000));
console.log(setInterval(()=>console.log('Hi'), 1000));
console.log(setInterval(()=>console.log('Hi'), 1000));

Explaination: setInterval will give uniques id to stop. It will give like 1,2,3. so it will print 1,2,3,Hi,Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi, .....so on.

console.log([..."priya"]); //["p","r","i","y","a"]

Explaination: It will convert into an array.

const firstPromise = new Promise((res, rej)=>{
  setTimeout(res, 500, 'one');
const secondPromise = new Promise((res, rej)=>{
  setTimeout(res, 100, 'second');
Promise.race([firstPromise, secondPromise]).then(res => console.log(res));

Explaination: Race will return only first matching result so it will print 100. For 500 it will take time to execute so it will not get print.

let person = {name: "priya"};
const numbers = [person];
person = null;
console.log(numbers, person); // [{name : "priya"}] //null

Explaination: We try to empty the objecti,e person, but still an array i.e, numbers conatin value so it will not create an impact while assigning null to person.

const person = {name: "priya", age: 1000};
for(const item in person){
  console.log(item); //name, age

Explaination: For in loop give a keys only.

let data = 3+4+'5';
console.log(data); //"75"
console.log(typeof data); //string

Explaination: It will add as a string.

console.log(typeof 3+4+'5'); //"number45"

Explaination: operation went from left to right side.

console.log(typeof (3+4+'5')); //"75" //string
console.log(typeof (3+4+  +'5'));//number

Explaination: To find out the typeof when the all the operation get complete thrn have to enclose in paranethisis. If we add + plus sign to any string it will convert to a number.

let data = [1,2,3].map( num =>{
  if (typeof num === 'number') return;
  return num*2;
console.log(data); //[undefined,undefined,undefined]

Explaination: If jusr return then it will print undefined.

function getInfo(member){
  member.name = "priya";
const person = {name : "supriya"}
console.log(person); //{"name":"priya"}

Explaination: If we pass an object as argument it will have call by refrence, means having same memory location.

function Car(){
  this.make = "tata";
  return {make: "kia"};
const myCar = new Car();
console.log(myCar.make); //kia

Explaination: return will overrite the property.If we didn't return then it will print tata.

  let x = (y = 10);
console.log(typeof x, y); //"undefined" //10

Explaination: x is a block scope, and we are trying to console x outside of x so that's why undefined.

  let x = y = 10;
console.log(typeof y); //number

Explaination: x is a block scope, and y is a var because y is not declared so by default it will be var.

  let x = 10;
  let x = 10;
console.log(typeof x); //undefined

Explaination: x is a block scope.

  let x = y = 10;
  let x = y = 20;
console.log(y); //20

Explaination: y is a var scope so it will overrite from 10 to 20

let x =100;
  var x = 10;
console.log(x); //100

Explaination: x=10 contain inside a block because we already declare with 100 outside so it will print 100.

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