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Different API Type styles

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Imagine you want to ask your friend for a cookie.

You could just say, "Hey, can I have a cookie?" But if you want to be more specific, you could say, "Hey, can I have a chocolate chip cookie?"

API styles are like that.

They're a way of asking for information from a computer. But instead of saying "Hey, can I have a chocolate chip cookie?", you say "GET /cookies/chocolate-chip".

An API style is like a secret handshake 🤝 between two computers, helping them share and understand each other's messages.

There are different styles of handshakes, and each has its own way of sending and receiving information! 🌟🗣️

I've simplified and decoded the secrets of 6 most important API styles for you, so you can save time and focus on what matters most! 🚀🎯


• A protocol using XML-based messages for communication
• Requires strict adherence to predefined contracts
• Operates primarily over HTTP or HTTPS
• Commonly used in enterprise environments


• An architectural style focused on resources and statelessness
• Employs standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
• Easier to implement and understand compared to SOAP
• Can work with various data formats, but JSON is most common


• Focuses on remote procedure calls (RPCs) between services
• Uses HTTP/2 for transport and Protocol Buffers for serialization
• Ideal for microservices, where low latency and high efficiency are crucial
• Automatically generates client and server code for multiple languages


• A query language and runtime for APIs
• Allows clients to request specific data, reducing over-fetching
• Can combine multiple data sources in a single request
• Developed and open-sourced by Facebook


• A bidirectional, real-time communication protocol
• Maintains a single, long-lived connection over TCP
• Suitable for web applications requiring live updates
• Not tied to any specific serialization format


• A server-side, event-driven mechanism
• Sends HTTP callbacks (usually POST requests) to specified URLs
• Triggered by specific events or actions within an application
• Useful for integrating third-party services or updating data in real time

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